Our Mission

Mission Statement:

McLean High Schools Boys Lacrosse Program is committed to the development of our student-athletes both on and off the field. Our Mission is to instill a passion for the sport of lacrosse while nurturing character, teamwork and leadership skills that will empower our players to excel in all aspects of life.

Our Core Values:

1)      Excellence: We strive for excellence in every facet of our program, from skill development to sportsmanship. We set high standards for ourselves, both individually and collectively, to achieve our fullest potential as athletes and individuals.

2)      Teamwork: Lacrosse is a team sport, and we emphasize the importance of working together to achieve common goals. We value the strength that come from unity and collaboration, fostering an environment where every player feels valued and supported.

3)      Character: We prioritize the development of strong character traits such as integrity, respect, and responsibility. Our players are expected to uphold these values both on and off the field, serving as role models in our school and community.

4)      Growth: We believe in continuous improvement, both as players and as people. We encourage our student-athletes to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and continually seek personal and team growth.

5)      Community: We are proud representatives of our school and community. Through our actions, we aim to positively impact those around us, building strong connections and contributing to the greater good.


Our Commitment:

  • Providing expert coaching and instruction to develop lacrosse skills and game intelligence.

  • Cultivating a supportive and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and each player feels valued.

  • Promoting academic success, emphasizing the importance of time management and balancing athletic commitments with academic responsibilities.

  • Encouraging community engagement and service to reinforce the idea that our actions extend beyond the lacrosse field.


Through our unwavering dedication to these values and commitments, the McLean Boys Lacrosse Program aims to produce well-rounded student-athletes who are prepared to excel in life, making positive impact on the world around them.